RAL Colors
RAL CLASSIC colors | RAL DESIGN colors | RAL EFFECT colors |
RAL is a German color standard developed in 1927 by the State Commission for Delivery Terms and Quality Assurance (Reichsausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung) at the request of manufacturers of paint products. The Institute has set the standard for a colour space, dividing it into ranges and each color denoting a unique numerical index. Since then the RAL company constantly develops and adds new color samples in accordance with the requirements of the growing market. Numerous notations that accompany the examples of colors guarantee a clear and concise means of communication, which is understandable in many fields of industry. Developed universal system of selection of colors in demand in almost all industries where need the correct understanding of color. There are three RAL colours:
- RAL CLASSIC - classic color catalog RAL (213 colors)
- RAL DESIGN - advanced color catalog RAL (1625 colors)
- RAL EFFECT - matte and metallic colors RAL (490 colors)
* according to Wikipedia